‘in the image’ is an exhibition of pieces from the Methodist Art Collection, to be held at the Wesley Church Centre, St John Street, Chester, from 22nd September to 27th October. This renowned collection includes works by Graham Sutherland, Elizabeth Frink and Edward Burra – people I’ve spoken to who’ve seen it say how brilliant it is. The event is aiming to be more than just an art exhibition. There are already links with local schools and a programme of school visits is planned, with relevant material available for teachers. There is an exciting programme of workshops, including an art appreciation course and other events involving creative writing, music and drama as well as visual art. Wesley is looking for volunteers to help with a wide range of tasks, including transport, painting boards, etc., in readiness for setting up the exhibition; stewarding; helping with school visits. There are two briefing sessions for prospective volunteers, on Thursday 5th July at 2pm or Thursday 12th July at 7.30pm. By September we will be in the same Circuit as Wesley, the new Chester and Delamere Forest Circuit. It would be good to give as much support as possible to our new friends. There is more information on their website or in the flyer here, and there will be more details nearer the time. Liz Holmes Comments are closed.