The Chester Mystery Plays date from the 13th century and were originally performed by monks as a way of illustrating Bible stories to ordinary people who couldn’t understand Latin services. Later they were performed in the streets by the local guilds people. The plays were banned nationally in the 16th century and Chester was the last city to perform them in 1578.
The modern revival of the Chester Mystery plays started in 1951. The Plays are now performed every 5 years with new scripts to remain current. The plays are performed over a period of two weeks by hundreds of local volunteers including children. For the first time ever, this year the Plays will be performed in the Nave of Chester Cathedral. They will run from 26th June to 13th July. If you haven’t been before I would recommend it - it is an extraordinary community event with music and colourful costumes, which tells stories from the Creation through to the Final Judgement. I went with my son in 2008 and we both enjoyed it and will be going again this year. For further information and to book tickets online, go to their website. Carolyn Frayne Poem written during a recent Lay Employees' Day about the tall pine tree outside the chapel at Foxhill Retreat and Conference Centre, Tarvin Road, Frodsham.
How strong the roots of the tree are, Holding you firm in the ground, Anchoring you to the source of life, Supplying living water to sustain you. How tall, straight, magnificently you stand, Branches bowing downwards, swaying gently in the breeze, Waded down with fir cones that fall to the ground. The wind sweeping through gently, swaying the branches, Lifting, renewing them as the fir cones fall. The trunk reaching upwards, heavenly, tall and straight, Like a straight pathway to heaven. Reminding me to hold fast to your love, To walk on your pathway, wherever it may lead. To stand tall, proud of who you are and what you stand for. To help others release their struggle and be able to feel your life giving renewing spirit in their lives. God’s saying, "Come rest in my branches and find peace, be content in who you are, knowing God accepts and loves you just as you are." Andrea Ellams Young Families Worker On Saturday 2nd February, a small group headed down to Swan Bank Methodist Mission in Burslem for a Children & Youth Conference entitled ‘Unite’. The day consisted of three sessions, with a variety of options to choose from ranging from ‘bongo madness’ to a workshop on the ethical use of social media and a sport workshop to a session on leading worship. This was followed by a fabulous meal shared together. The evening saw performances by two Christian bands and a short talk by the Rev’d. Ashley Cooper, the senior pastor (who was formerly at Helsby Methodist Church). All in all there were over 160 young people in attendance and it was enriching to see so many gathered together to share, learn and grow in faith. Below are the comments made by those from our Church who attended. I enjoyed this trip loads. The drumming lesson was fantastic, and I greatly enjoyed the games in the sports hall. I also liked the social lesson, where we watched lots of funny clips. Also, the food there was great and very filling! I especially enjoyed the singing and being part of it. Eve This trip was amazing! I loved playing the fun games and activities. We made some cool foam fish and had a lovely dinner. Emma R. I loved the activities that went on at Swan Bank. Emma and me were doing sports and made foam fish in the craft room. Emma H. I really liked this trip. All three activities I did were really fun and interesting. I did bongo drumming, sports and a social media lesson. I also really enjoyed the bands at the end. Jodie I enjoyed the workshops, especially the sports one because it was fun. The bands were really good and Ash was really funny and he used to live in Helsby! Georgina This term we have been focussing on what it means to be a member of the Methodist Church. To do this we have used the words on our membership tickets and have taken a theme at a time, looking at Worship, Prayer and Service so far. Next week is Palm Sunday, and we are breaking this run of membership-related topics to examine the story of Holy Week from Jesus’ perspective. It was such an amazing roller coaster of events and emotions for all involved, yet throughout only Jesus knew what was in store for him. On Easter Sunday it is a joint service and the 0930 Live! band are looking forward to participating in the music. We will complete our look at the membership ticket after Easter, appropriately with the theme of Evangelism – and what that means in our lives in Frodsham today. Socially, we hosted our annual pancake party in February. This was a wonderful outreach event, bringing in so many people from all the four Frodsham primary schools, as as well as families from Messy Church, Toddlers and Messy Mice. As always, hundreds of pancakes were made and eaten. A date for your diaries: we are planning to return to our campsite near Beeston Castle again this summer for our annual 0930 Live! away weekend Friday 19th to Sunday 21st July. This is ideal for families who don’t want to camp too, just come along for either day and join in the activities and fun. Watch this space for the theme for the weekend! Pippa Jacobson Schools & Community Worker
Pastoral LettersWritten by the Minister & Members