Dear Friends,
During March we witnessed through our televisions the terrible earthquake in New Zealand and the earthquake in Japan that caused the destructive tsunami. So many people have been affected through the loss of loved ones and loss of possessions. Our thoughts and prayers remain with them as they seek to come to terms with these disasters. As the month of April begins we continue our journey through Lent to Easter Sunday and then beyond to celebrate Pentecost. For the people of New Zealand and Japan, leaving things behind was not an option but was forced upon them by events. The first disciples were also forced to leave things behind. They had to let go of the traditions of past generations and let go of their expectation of a Messiah who would free his people by forceful means rather than by a death on the cross. God’s people are always challenged to move forward and adapt with the culture they seek to serve. When our culture changes our church community must adapt with it. The arrival of the King James Bible in pulpits across the country 400 years ago this year caused the worship of the ordinary people to change in a way we find it hard to imagine. Some people felt able to embrace this new way of worship while others yearned for the past, the old way. In these last weeks of Lent let us afford ourselves a little time to ponder and reflect on our personal journey with God and that of our worshipping community. Ask what is good, what is not good and what do we need to change or do? These are questions that need to be asked and answered honestly and realistically. This presents us with an urgent challenge because God continues to build His Kingdom through ordinary people like you and me and His Holy Spirit is the mortar that holds His building work together. May that same Holy Spirit come to each of us and empower us to do God’s will both in our lives and worshiping community. May God's blessing be upon you, Pat |