How will you live your life in Lent? I want to encourage us all to spend time thinking about our connections with other people - not just the people we get along with but particularly the people we struggle with, or the children we have been spotted scowling and tutting at!
The priority for Frodsham Methodist Church this year is growing together as family. I would like each one of us to commit to growing a relationship with someone we don't know very well, or strengthening one with someone we know quite well. Invite them round for coffee, or a meal, or out for a walk or an event. Include them in something you love to do - share it with them. Let's grow as family through Lent - not arguing, or moaning or complaining, but just living well, and showing love! Let's do it! Rev'd. Denise Harding Toddler Group: Thursdays, 10-11.30am
Thursday mornings are always busy, full of noise, activity and lots of coffee, tea and biscuits are consumed, plus snack for children. It’s great to see new faces and the sunshine has been enjoyed once again as we use the outside area. We are planning as good as new sale for the 5th April. Come and grab a bargain (see details below) plus considering where to go for our summer trip. If you are thinking of joining us, you will be made very welcome. Good as New Sale: 5th April, 10-12noon At Frodsham Methodist Church. In aid of Chester Babygrow Appeal. Bring your items to sell either on Friday 4th April between 4-7pm or Saturday morning 9-9.30pm. Contact me for further details on 07749877823. Messy Mice: 10am 1st and 3rd Mondays We meet to get messy, chat and discover another story from the bible. We are looking at the life of Jesus at the moment. The session is full of busy children. So full, another pair of hands would be a great help! If you can help please speak to me. Walks for the Summer With longer days and some warmer weather ahead, why not join the church family and take the opportunities to meet and go for a walk. In May, June and July we are going out on a Friday night for Messy Outings, and it would be great to have a few Saturday/ Sunday events over the summer months. If anyone would like to organise these, or have suggestions of where to go let me know. Good Friday All Age Worship and Tea If you are around on Good Friday why don’t you join in the faith tea and worship time at Frodsham Methodist Church. A great opportunity for us to join together. May God hold us in his love and care over the next two months. Please pray for all the children taking exams either in KS2 or above in the near future. Andrea Ellams Young Families Worker |