Dear friends,
As we continue in this new Methodist year, I've been reflecting on the past, and how we deal with it. All too often we can immerse ourselves in the past, and use those memories to affect what we think of the present, and what we do in the present. In our past, the grass was always greener, the summers were always dryer, our churches were fuller, summer nights were always longer……and yet we have to accept that we are where we are now, today. Things are not as they used to be. Life is different in so many respects, including within the church. For some it is a welcome change, and for some it is quite disturbing. I am excited about all the untapped potential within Frodsham Methodist Church - of wonderful faithful people. I am excited as we go forward, at all that God is leading and calling us to, as we seek to encourage one another. In these first few weeks of September, I have rejoiced in The new members welcomed at 0930 Live! The lovely work carried out to the church interior, and the constant work in the garden, to show the church in all its beauty (thanks to so many people) The wonderful friendships and relationships developed through the camping weekend (maybe bonding together in adversity - just ask someone who was there!!) Fun relaxed social events giving time for chat and laughter New ideas for all the church, and particularly to address 'gaps' in our church life, including in our learning and growing together The willingness and vision of new people as part of our Leadership - Alun Evans, Doris Cairns, Alan Carter, Bev Carter, Andrea Ellams, Elizabeth Holmes. The excitement of starting my second year with you all, after your loving welcome and support through a difficult first year. and many other things……… A few years ago, one of the speakers at Greenbelt reflected on this passage from Philippians 4:8 – “Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Let us look at what we have, and celebrate that, and perhaps even more than that - let us use our energies to encourage, to build up, to commend, to comfort, to support and to welcome. When we see visitors or new members in our church building, let us go out of our way to make sure that they feel welcome, and at home in our premises. Let us be tolerant of noise or things we are not used to. Let us make people want to come back, to belong even! Let us encourage those that work in any setting with our children and young people, so they can do the very best for our young people today. Let us look for what is good, let us look for what is pleasing to God, and let us reflect on these things, and look to praise and encourage wherever we can. Let us also continue to pray for each other and pray for the mission of our churches. Let us stand alongside each other in encouragement and love, so that we can help God build the kingdom with us as his workers. Thank you all, and God bless you, Rev'd. Denise Harding Comments are closed.