Dear friends,
As I write this letter, we have been enjoying lovely sunny and warm weather - which I think lightens the spirit and helps us to value God's creation around us as our gardens grow and develop (not so good for those who take great care in the garden - lots of extra work!). We are growing and developing at Frodsham Methodist Church - numbers are increasing at our 10.45am morning service, and even more so at our 4all service on the first Sunday morning, where the whole range of ages within the church family come together and find a way to worship God and to grow in faith together. But we need your help... We have four strands to each service - Finding our creativity, Finding sanctuary, Finding our voice, Finding inspiration. For three of the four sessions (the one not led by a preacher) we would really like to expand our team - if we have enough people we are hoping that people will only need to offer two or three Sundays a year, but if we don't get offers of help then the same few people will end up doing lots of Sundays and not be able to experience the full range of 4all for themselves. So please could you prayerfully consider this - could you lead something creative - drama, art work, music, craft, woodwork, poetry, creative writing etc. Could you lead a discussion group? Could you prepare something reflective to help people find sanctuary - a prayer station on the given theme, taking people for a brief walk to reflect on God outdoors, some interactive activities to help people to be still and calm, writing prayers or reflections for others to use? And other things for all the above that the Leadership Team might not even have thought about... We want to hear from you if you can help us. Please, please, please talk to me if you can offer something, or fill your name in on the sheet in the hall, as we will be delighted to help you use your God given gifts in the church. In the last five months I have found it increasingly difficult to keep up with my workload in ministry, not feeling very energetic or very well, and having quite a confused and foggy brain. I am very sorry if this has affected my ministry amongst you during this time - having a brain scan and waiting to discover if there was a brain tumour present has been pretty stressful. After lots of tests and an MRI scan I have been found to have megaloblastic anaemia - something that can be treated with regular injections, and once the B12 levels are back to normal in my body I will have much more energy to do things. But not feeling well has made me reassess how much things use up the limited energy I have had, and whether they are things that are worth doing and have value. I am under the care of the Doctor for the next few months, on a reduced workload with reduced hours until I am fit and well again, and this has made me look at my diary, and look at the important things I feel I do in my ministry. There are things that will remain undone - and I have to accept that for the next few months. But I also want to ensure that the things that I can do, still get done. But I also have to accept more readily that the ministry I am called to in Frodsham is a shared ministry with you all. Only a few weeks ago we were desperate to appoint new Church Stewards, and we only received one person who was willing to serve, meaning some who have served for over 6 or 7 years still are continuing in their role, to serve the church (that's me and you) so that lots of unseen and seen things are done every week. It is a gift the Stewards offer to the Church, but it is often not without some considerable personal cost to the individuals and their families - I want to offer my heartfelt thanks to each of them, and the many other office holders in the church, for their faithful hard work. We are the largest church in the circuit - but still the same small core of people do the majority of the jobs that need doing. It won't be long before we have worn out those faithful people, and then what do we do and where do we go for help? Please friends - we need the help of each of you to enable our church to be the beacon of light in the community that God has called us to be. So when you see in the Link or in the Newsletter appeals for help with things, or hear it from the pulpit, please don't presume someone else will come forward and volunteer - they haven't and they don't. We need you - the Leadership needs you, I need you, the church needs you - to use your energy for the good of the Gospel and the future of the fellowship at Frodsham Methodist Church. I know we all have limited time and energy (just acknowledging and accepting that for me has been hard recently) - but we all have a responsibility for sharing in the work of the Lord. So will you consider helping when asked, will you join with us in helping run 4all, will you give some of the energy God has given to you to serve the Lord at Frodsham Methodist Church? Thank you for your support and love - thank you too in advance for your offers of help and your energy... God bless you, Reverend Denise Comments are closed.