When I introduced Emmaus as the Church Charity for 2012 one Sunday morning I did not expect the result at the end of the year to be as large as the magnificent sum of £1774. Personal thanks to everyone who contributed, either in organising activities or giving financially. It is often difficult to demonstrate the impact of Charities and funders are increasingly asking for hard financial data. In November I attended a reception at the House of Lords where Emmaus launched a report “Making an impact” which was the result of a Social Return on Investment study which attempted to quantify the social value created each year by an average Emmaus Community. The full report can be found on www.emmaus.org.uk but here are just 2 highlights. For each £1 invested (including donations) £11 is generated in social, environmental and economic return. Secondly the report forecasts that the value of savings to Government agencies stands at almost £6m per year. However this sort of statistic does not describe the significant impact Emmaus makes on people’s lives. I hope the articles that have appeared in the Magazine during the year have given some appreciation of that impact. There are, of course, many more Companion stories and examples of how Companions have also helped others across the world. The sum raised in Frodsham has been forwarded to Emmaus Preston which is still working hard to become a sustainable Community. The message below is from Tracy Hopkins, Director Emmaus Preston”. “I would like to thank you again for the donations you have made to support our Companions in 2012. They have helped us in a number of ways including specific social activities to help build a stable and harmonious Community. You have helped us to refurbish our town centre shop including the recent opening of a café. We have also opened a Superstore adjacent to the Community. All the work in these developments has been carried out by Companions; your donations have helped with the purchase of materials. We are now in a far better position to move towards a sustainable position and continue to provide the essential support required by current and future Companions. Many Thanks Tracy” One final comment: If you have family and friends who live within the area of an Emmaus Community please draw to their attention the opportunity to donate unwanted quality furniture and other household goods and of course the opportunity to purchase good value refurbished items. Jim Caldwell Comments are closed.