Looking Backwards
During our Christmas Celebrations our Travelling Crib Set went to ten families this year and many faces were lit by the candles in the Christingle oranges at our Christingle service, reminding us that Jesus is the light of the world and that light can shine within us. A donation of £40 has been sent to the Children’s society from that service. Looking Forwards All of our activities for families and children are running again. Please note the dates in your diary. Thursday morning Toddlers is as busy as ever and we now have two new cars and a bike which are being put to good use, as well as new table and chairs for the play kitchen. Pippa Jacobson, Community & Schools Workser, and I are continuing to go into Weaver Vale and the Manor House schools for assemblies and a lunch time club. Both of which are greatly appreciated by staff and pupils. There are many other ideas and activities being investigated at the moment. Look out for details. Dates for your diary Pancake Party on February 12th. Come and eat as many pancakes as you can! Look out for details on the church website. Come and celebrate Easter together at a short Family Service on Easter Day, 31st March, starting at 10am. If you need more information please text or ring Andrea on 07749877823 or e-mail [email protected]. Andrea Ellams Young Families Worker Comments are closed.