September has both welcomed back established friends and seen new faces in our children’s groups. The schools have warmly welcomed us back for assemblies and new ideas are being discussed for the coming year.
At Synod (The Methodist District Conference held in September) we were reminded that new ideas for mission need to be backed up with research and time needs to be taken to discover the needs of the people within the community that we serve, anchoring this in prayer and seeking God’s will. May God inspire each of us to show God’s love and grace to others in the things we do. We welcome the new head at Weaver Vale Primary School. Her name is Sue Mills and she has invited Pippa Jacobson and myself to continue our work within the School. We are going in on a fortnightly basis to take the assembly and lunch time club. On the same morning we take the assembly at the Manor House School. What a busy morning that is! Five of our young people joined fifty-nine people at the District Youth Event in September. They took to the water in canoes and did other outward bound activities before eating tea together at Holmes Chapel Methodist Church and attending a youth service. Watch out for the same event next year. Open for children in Year 6 and above. After having a debate about what day we should hold Messy Church on, the conclusion was to continue Messy Church on a Friday Evening at 5.15pm until Easter, 2013. In the summer months we will organise outdoor events. There will be a meeting to discuss the running of Messy Church shortly. If you can offer help in any way to support this venture please come along or let me know. People are needed to bake puddings (all costs are reimbursed), prepare savoury food, help at the craft tables, wash up, clear away and lead worship. On Saturday 22nd December we will be holding a Christmas Holiday Club from 12noon until 4pm. Please put this in your diary. Further details nearer the time. As ever, if you have any queries or questions about our work with young people, please do get in touch with me: [email protected]. Andrea Ellams Young Families Worker Comments are closed.