Traidcraft A very big ‘Thank You’ to everyone who supported the Traidcraft stall and catalogue sales during the Autumn. In all we had sales of £1,200 – an excellent result which will have gone a good way towards making other people’s Christmas a happy one. Fair Trade Fortnight These two weeks are held nationally, to enable us to focus on the Fair Trade movement and how we can support it. This year it is from 27th February to 11th March. Watch out for special promotions in shops and supermarkets. The Fairtrade Foundation is challenging everyone to ‘Take a Step for Fair Trade’ in 2012. It could be just a simple step, like swapping your tea or coffee to Fairtrade. Or it could be a bigger step, like asking everyone in your office, or the club or society to which you belong, to do so too. Follow this link for more information. What step will you take to further promote fair trade? Liz Holmes Comments are closed.