What a wonderful Service of Welcome for Rev'd. Andrew Emison and his family last night.
We were delighted to be joined in a packed Church by:- the Mayor of Frodsham, Cllr. Mallie Poulton; representatives from the other churches in Frodsham, Fr. James Kenny of St. Luke Roman Catholic Church, Fr. Michael Mills of St. Laurence Church of England Parish Church, Rev'd. Mansell Morgan of King's Church, and Mrs. Sue Spilman of Main Street Community Church; Mrs. Aelison Wilson of Frodsham Churches Together; and, Suzie Treeton of Chapel Fields MHA Nursing & Dementia Care Home, Frodsham. We were also pleased to welcome Rev'd. Neil Stacey, Superintendent of the Chester & Delamere Forest Circuit of the Methodist Church, and Rev'd. Peter Barber, Chair of the Chester & Stoke-on-Trent District of the Methodist Church. Comments are closed.
Pastoral LettersWritten by the Minister & Members