4all began as an inspired discussion amongst the leadership team, as an opportunity for all the people of our church to worship together once a month in a new way. Four months later many people have been involved in the planning, preparation, and leading the 4all service, giving people the opportunity to use or discover their talents. Many of you have come to a 4all service and had the opportunity to learn more about God from the different activities on offer and got to know each other better through these activities. Here are some comments about the service. "The quiet room was a great blessing to me this morning." "There was a good variety of art ideas to choose from." "The discussions have been good and I enjoy hearing what others have to say." "It gives me the flexibility to worship with others and still be able to stay in church for the sermon." For me there is a great joy in seeing young and old worshiping together and creating a hive of activity with God at the centre. Having the flexibility once a month to choose what to do enables me to connect with God in different ways. I certainly have got to know others better during these times. So if you haven’t discovered 4all why not come and see what it is all about? It’s on the 1st Sunday of each month at 10.45am. The next themes are April: The Way of the Cross May: The Life of Faith New people are always welcome to lead or help with the different activities, so if you are good at art ideas, discussions, or preparing a quiet space please let the stewards know. Andrea Ellams Young Families Worker When all the world’s against you And times are feeling bad When nothing seems to cheer you up And life is really sad Just take a look around you At all the glorious earth The beauty of each tiny flower The gift of precious birth The glory of a sunny day The twinkling stars that shine And in His heaven God watches These joys are yours – and mine. Composed by Barbara Maddock during the March 4all service Comments are closed.
Pastoral LettersWritten by the Minister & Members