Themed Preaching We are continuing with themed preaching up to Lent, the theme for this period being ‘Learning to be Church’, and we will be looking at Sharing the Good News, Salt and Light, and Loving our enemies in 0930live! Young Minds This group continues to meet after 0930live! to discuss relevant topics and they are planning to lead one of the services in the next few weeks. Anyone in Year 6 or above is very welcome to join them. 10th Birthday More than ten years ago a group met to discuss how we could better serve the needs of young families at FMC in an increasingly secular age. After much discussion 0930live! was born, with its emphasis on learning and fellowship, and our first service was in February 2004. Initially it was just once a month, until we felt God was challenging us to increase to twice a month, which we did in October 2008. Throughout, God has supported, guided, encouraged and challenged us. As a planning team, we have grown in faith and repeatedly learn how great God is. We have witnessed families join us and grow in God’s family, and we have mourned the passing of people who encouraged from the outset: we remember with love, Mike Cairns, John and Sylvia Langley and Len Worrall. We also thank Rev’s Gordon, Pat and Denise for their support and guidance. As part of a year of celebrations we will be having a party in the church hall Saturday 8th February from 4pm. Everyone is very welcome to come along to celebrate our 10th birthday! Pippa Jacobson Schools & Community Worker 4/9/2014 03:57:01