As 0930live! continues to thrive, we have recognised that there is now a group of older children – most of whom have been coming since it started nearly ten years ago – who need the opportunity to take a more active role. So this year we have started a new initiative called Young Minds, which is for anyone in Year 6 and above. The group meets immediately after the service in the Quiet Room, where there are bacon butties and drinks provided, and it is an adult-led session. It’s envisaged that it will be discussed-based as well as looking ahead to future 0930live! services, giving them a chance to prepare drama or short films for inclusion in the service. If you feel you would like to get involved in helping to lead this group occasionally, then please let me or one of the team know. In order to be able to plan for Young Minds effectively, we have set the themes for 0930live! right up to Christmas! The general subject is ‘Living the Jesus Way’ and we will be looking at how we should welcome people (even those we don’t like), the stories of the lost sheep and coins, how we should manage our money and possessions, how important words are and how we shouldn’t use God’s name inappropriately, how Jesus said we are like salt and light to the world, and how we are not to judge others. All quite challenging stuff, but central to being a Christian. At the start of the summer holidays, a group from 0930live! went back to Beeston to camp, on what was one of the hottest days of the year. You can imagine our concern when we discovered that none of the fridges or freezers were working, and then the drains blocked and we were without sanitation…! Fortunately Rev'd. Denise had joined us in her caravan, whose facilities she generously shared! The camp was another success and there was a great mixing of ages, with the obligatory walk to the ice cream farm on the Saturday. Next year we are considering getting a group together to go to Greenbelt, which is over the August bank holiday; more information will follow regarding this. Pippa Jacobson Community & Schools Worker Comments are closed.