Frodsham Methodist Church are delighted to welcome you & your family back in the Church building for worship once again, at 10:00am every Sunday.
You are no longer required to book a place for worship. We will however be keeping a record of those who attend in case this is needed for test and trace. If you are a visitor or returning to worship for the first time, please be prepared to give your name and contact details to the welcome steward
Please take note of the following information.
Those at risk At this time the online services will continue. However, if you want to attend a service in the church, please consider the following:
You can still contract or pass on Coronavirus even if you have been double- vaccinated.
if you have been designated as very vulnerable, then you should consider staying at home and not attend a worship service
if you have C-19 symptoms, or suspect you might have C-19, do not attend the service and self-isolate at home instead
Additional safety measures All those attending will be required to wear a face covering that completely covers the mouth and nose. If you are unsure if you are exempt from wearing a mask or about what kind of mask to wear, Government guidance is available.
The safety of visitors, volunteers & staff is our top priority. Therefore, additional safety measures are being taken, including:
social distancing of 1m plus will be observed at all times
hand sanitiser will be provided at entry & exit points
ventilation will be increased, through the use of open windows/doors where possible or extractor fans
additional cleaning will be conducted & high-frequency surfaces will be disinfected regularly
a collection will not be taken, but collection by standing order/bank transfer/cheque will be welcomed
collection of basic contact information to support NHS Test and Trace. More information on how we will use your data can be found here
Contacting us If anyone in your groups tests positive or suspects they have C-19 within 14 days of the service, please inform the stewards immediately at stewards (@)